Family & God’s Plan – 1 Kings 1-2

Children who aren’t disciplined cause problems for their parents.

1:6-35 You can make all the plans you want..if it’s not in line with God’s plan, it won’t happen.

Ch. 2 David’s last wishes for his son: Be strong, obey God, follow His commands; you will prosper in all you do and wherever you go.

2:2-4 Raise your family to live for God so they will prosper.

2:6,7,8-10 Leaders need to show mercy, but also need to hold people accountable.

2:13-14 Mothers still protect their children, even when her child is successful.

2:19 Honor your mother, even when you are successful.

2:15-46 God’s plan supercedes any plan made by man.

2:23-46 When you eliminate bad influences from your life, you have to eliminate ALL of them, not just a few.

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