Pulling Together – Nehemiah 3

3:1-32 Much can be accomplished when:
* Everyone knows their role.
* Everyone understands the reason for the work (the vision).
* Everyone works together for a cause that’s bigger than themselves (the mission).
* Egos and position are non-factors.

3:1-32 Everyone has gifts, talents, and skills to contribute to building God’s kingdom.

Listen, Obey, And Tell – 1 Chronicles 14

14:2 God blesses you so you can bless others.

14:10 Before you make big changes in your life, ask God if it’s the right thing to do.

14:11 When you get your breakthrough, others what God did.

14:11-12 You can do great things when God is with you.

14:13 We need to stay close to God because trouble can arise at any time.

14:14-16 Listen to God and obey.

14:14-17 God will bring us through ALL of our problems.  With God, we will be wiser and victorious.