No Condemnation – Romans 8

I love Romans 8 because it is so encouraging no matter what stage you are at in your journey with Christ.

8:1-2 Once you are saved, you don’t need to feel guilty about your past.

8:3-4 God saved us from our sinful nature by sacrificing His son, Jesus, so we would no longer be controlled by sin.

8:6 “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” NLT

8:8 “That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.” NLT

8:9 We are controlled by the Holy Spirit.

8:10 Christ lives within us, and the Holy Spirit gives us life.

8:12 Sinning is a choice.

8:13 Turn away from sin and live.

8:14-17 We belong to God.

8:17 “But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.” NLT

8:18 “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” NLT

8:23 We look forward to the time when we are released from sin and suffering.

8:25 “But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.” NLT

8:26 The Holy Spirit prays for us when we don’t know what to pray.
8:26 The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.

8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” NLT
8:28 Everything happens for a reason that is in line with God’s purpose for our lives.

8:29 God knew us before we were born.

8:31 “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” NLT

8:34 No one can condemn us because Jesus already paid for our sins.

8:35 No trial we go through can ever separate us from Christ’s love.

8:37-38 “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” NLT

The End – Luke 21

21:1-4 Jesus knows our situation and our heart. He honors our giving.

21:5-6 Sometimes things need to be completely destroyed in order for a new, better change to occur.

21:7-8 Lots of people will claim to know when Jesus will return. No one knows when Jesus will return.

21:9-10 There will be a lot of violence all over the world. The end of the world will not come immediately.

21:11 Many things will happen that will scare us – famine, earthquakes, epidemics, miraculous signs, terrifying things.

21:12-19 Christians will be persecuted for following Jesus. Our families will betray us, some will be imprisoned, some will be killed for believing in and worshiping Jesus. We are to use our suffering as an opportunity to tell people about Jesus. Jesus tells us not to worry and not to be afraid during the time of persecution. He WILL take care of us, He WILL give us the words to say. We WILL not die (with Christ), and we WILL win souls when we stand firm in Christ and His word.

21:20-24 When Jerusalem is surrounded by armies will be the time of destruction. Vengeance will be God’s and the prophetic words of the scriptures will be fulfilled. There will be much bloodshed at this time. It will be very scary for everyone.

21:25-26 There will be strange natural disasters and phenomenons occurring when the end is near. Again, these will be very disturbing experiences for people.

21:27-28 Jesus will arrive on clouds with power and great glory. Be ready, because that’s when your salvation will happen.

21:33 Jesus said,Heaven and Earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever.

21:34-36 As the song says, “Don’t let Him catch you with you work undone.” Stay sober, pay attention, stay prayed up, pray that you won’t experience the horrible events that will occur.

The Prodigal Son – Luke 15

15:1-2 Jesus helps EVERYONE, especially those society shuns the most.
15:7 In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!
15:6-10 Rejoice when someone gets saved.
15:11 Sometimes it’s better to wait.
15:13 When you give a young person something they’re not ready for, it can be harmful to them.
15:14 Be a good steward of your resources, save something for a hard time.
15:16 The world can be an uncaring place.
15:18-19, 21 When you are wrong, humble yourself. Admit your mistakes. Ask forgiveness.
15;20 Love your children, not matter what their mistakes are.
15:22-24 Celebrate and acknowledge your child’s growth and learning.
15:22-24 Forgive. It feels better than holding grudges and judging others.
15:28-32 Don’t let pride block your blessing and peace of mind.
15:28-32 All children are different and have different needs.
15:28-32 Don’t compare yourself to your “brother”.

Trust God’s Process – 2 Kings 8

8:1 Change will happen, so be ready.

8:1 Sometimes we have to leave what we know for our own good.

8:1 We may have to wait for years after the change before we feel comfortable again.

8:2 Obey.  Don’t resist the change.

8:1-2 God may be moving you because He’s trying to protect you.  (I’ve personally experienced this.  I was very resistant to the change and took it very personally.  Months later, I saw that God was removing me from a really bad situation.  I’m thankful for His protection.)

8:3-6 When you obey, God will restore what you lost, even if you lost it years ago.

8:6 If God gives it to you, NO ONE can take it from you, except Him.

8:7-10 Go to God for your healing.

8:9-15 We can get focused on one thing in our life, and not see something else that we really need to see.

8:19 God keeps His promises.

8:19 The righteous living of one person can impact a family for generations.

Hold On – 2 Kings 6-7

6:4-7 You will have what you need to do the work God called you to do.

6:16-17 Have faith, God is your protector.

6:18,20 God answers prayer.

6:21-22 If you don’t earn it, you don’t get (reap) the reward.

6:22-23 Don’t destroy what is not yours.

6:28-29 Don’t sacrifice what you treasure for brief satisfaction.

6:28-29 Be careful of whom you put your trust in.

6:28-29 Don’t put your trust in man. 

6:30-33 People want to blame others in times of trouble.

6 People get desperate and will grasp at anything during a time of lack.  Our flesh wants to be satisfied.  It’s hard to resist.

7:1-20 But if we can just be faithful and hold on (wait on God’s time, not our own), we will see God’s reward, and it will MORE THAN satisfy us.  (This is huge and difficult for me.  Most of the mess that’s happened to me was because I just couldn’t wait.) 


Work And Wait For It – 2 Kings 3

3:14 It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.  So make good connections.

3:15 Music is inspiring.

3:15 (The right) Music sets the atmosphere so that we can hear from God.

3:16 You have to work.

3:17 You won’t always see the fruits of your labor immediately, 3:18 but God is working.  Whatever you’re going through is NOT too hard for Him.

3:18-19 God will bless you in EVERY way He wants to…abundantly (MORE than you need).

3:20 Blessings come in the “morning”, after you’ve walked through the “darkness” (the hard times), done the hard work, gone through the struggle. 

3:21-22 You must be prepared so you will be ready when it’s time to show what you know, to reap your blessing.  You can’t show what you don’t know. 

3:23 People will want the benefits (that they didn’t have to work for) of what you worked and fought for.

3:26-27 Our children will suffer when we choose to make other things (spending more time on, thinking about more)  more important than them.