Weathering A Storm – Acts 27

Storms have a lot of parallels to life.
27:10-12 When smart people are advising you, listen.

27:13 Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Come up with a strategy for solving problems.

27:14 Be ready for change.

27:15 Sometimes you have to let go of a situation and let it run its course.
27:15 Be flexible.
27:15 Be prepared so when a storm comes, you’re able to adjust and get through it.

27:16-17 Sometimes you need help to withstand the hard times.
27;17 Sometimes changes have to be made to survive a storm.
27:17,20,22-25 No matter how bad things seem, Jesus is always with us.

27:18-19 Sometimes you need to get rid of stuff in order to survive the storm.

27:21 Listen to good advice.

27:29 Pray.

27:33-39 Take care of yourself during hard times.

27:30,32,40 Sometimes you just need to let go so you can move on and fulfill your destiny.

27:42-44 God will keep you in the midst of the evil plans of others.

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