We Will Be Challenged – Esther 4

4:1-3 People don’t want to hear bad news.

4:2 No matter how upset you are about a situation, be obedient to those in authority.

4:1-11 Those in power may try to pretend like a situation isn’t happening or it’s not that bad, but the truth cannot be hidden.

4:13-14 If you have the ability to keep someone out of harm’s way, then you should.

4:13-14 We will be challenged.

4:13-14 Esther was placed in a position for a reason, not just to be cute for the king. We are placed where we are for a reason deeper than what we know. You may feel that you can’t do much from the position you’re in, but everyone can have influence in a situation.

4:13-14 To whom much is given, much is required. God expects us to use what we are given to glorify Him.

4:13 Don’t let pride deceive you about your situation.

4:13-17 God has the final say in all situations.

4:14 No good comes from being silent when others are being persecuted.

4:14 God doesn’t make mistakes. We are exactly where we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to do.

4:14 If you choose not to obey, someone else will. God WILL have His way.

4:16 Get in agreement with those close to you when trying to solve a problem. Be willing to do whatever you have to do, make any sacrifice you have to make for God.

4:16 Fast when you want a breakthrough.

4:16-17 Esther agreed to break the law in order to save her people, but only after fasting, prayer, and being sure that God was on her side.

4:9-25 Look at God, not your situation.

Weathering A Storm – Acts 27

Storms have a lot of parallels to life.
27:10-12 When smart people are advising you, listen.

27:13 Pay attention to what’s happening around you. Come up with a strategy for solving problems.

27:14 Be ready for change.

27:15 Sometimes you have to let go of a situation and let it run its course.
27:15 Be flexible.
27:15 Be prepared so when a storm comes, you’re able to adjust and get through it.

27:16-17 Sometimes you need help to withstand the hard times.
27;17 Sometimes changes have to be made to survive a storm.
27:17,20,22-25 No matter how bad things seem, Jesus is always with us.

27:18-19 Sometimes you need to get rid of stuff in order to survive the storm.

27:21 Listen to good advice.

27:29 Pray.

27:33-39 Take care of yourself during hard times.

27:30,32,40 Sometimes you just need to let go so you can move on and fulfill your destiny.

27:42-44 God will keep you in the midst of the evil plans of others.